Dear Rangers,
Today, we declare the start of the Legions of Discord-Event.
10 awesome legions (5 from Europe and 5 from America) will be able to get their own discord channels set in our official server.
- Legion must be level 6.
- Legion must have at least 10 members active on discord.
- Legion-based honorable role for the legion-lead
- Legion-based honorable role for 2 vice-lead
- Legion-based honorable role for the legion's members.
Naturally, these roles will also show seperately from the other roles in "online status list" and each legion lead can decide on a color assigned to his legion (different from the other legions and mod colors)
In short, your legion will stand out in our official server while having it's own channels in the server.
In order to participate, the legion-leader will have to represent his legion with a comment, meet the requirements and provide screenshots of meeting them, provide us a list of 10 members who are active on discord (IGN and Discord Name)
The official discord-server can be found in link below:
Since only 10 legions will get this exclusive chance, the contest will involve the top 10 in therms of contributions of the participating legions. We request each participating legion-lead to screenshot the total contributions of the legion.
Please leave the comment section only to legion-leaders meeting these requirements so they can represent their legion being amongst the fastest legions to reach the maximum level.
Great work, thank you for supporting RoO, we wish you a wonderfull time in your Legions!
Kind regards,
RoO development and moderator team